Course Content
Course Aims:
This Course Will Teach You How to Apply Deep Tissue and Advanced Massage Techniques
The Deep Muscles of the legs including Hamstrings, Ilio-Tibial Band & Quads
Muscles of the lower leg such as the Gastrocnemius
Muscles of the Back
Muscles of the Arms and Shoulders
Participants will have a good understanding of:
Adopting correct working posture for deep tissue work and hands free massage techniques
Observing client posture
How to develop their palpation skills
Recognising trigger points and how to apply the correct techniques for treating them
Utilising Neuromuscular Techniques and other advanced massage techniques to treat specific areas
How to perform a massage routine incorporating advanced massage techniques.
The course aims to help you develop advanced massage techniques which will enable you to be more confident and specific in your treatments.
This gives you the potential to expand your client base as you will be able to offer more than just a relaxing massage. You will be able to treat clients with muscular pain and tenderness and lack of flexibility with more confidence.
Our Advanced and Deep Tissue Massage Course Includes:
Deep Tissue and Advanced Massage Techniques
Neuromuscular Techniques
Trigger Point
Hands free techniques
Comprehensive manual
Unlike classic massage therapy, which is generally used for relaxation, this technique enables the therapist to focus on and treat specific problems. The general public is increasingly requesting deeper and more advanced techniques due to their effectiveness in treating a host of specific issues, the most prevalent being back and shoulder pain.
What conditions is deep tissue massage used for?
Chronic pain
Limited mobility
Recovery from injuries (e.g. whiplash, falls, sports injury)
Repetitive strain injury, such as carpal tunnel syndrome
Postural problems
Osteoarthritis pain
Muscle tension or spasm
Learn how to improve your techniques
Careful examination of soft tissue to identify areas of possible damage is obviously very important for the therapist. Just prodding your finger into a tender spot does not give you much information, other than that it is probably tender!
We'll look at how to improve your palpation skills so that you may more easily identify changes in texture, tension or damage in soft tissue, therefore you will have a better idea of how to treat the area.
Trigger points
Trigger points are highly irritable and localised areas within muscle fibres. These areas can vary from the size of a pea to a large lump. They are often tender and painful to touch and will frequently cause referred pain and discomfort.
Trigger points are tender points in the muscle fascia; these can be difficult to locate. The rationale behind using trigger point therapy is that it creates localised ischemia (lack or reduction of oxygen to the muscle tissue) which starve the trigger point of oxygen and nutrients needed to sustain contraction.
Neuro-muscular techniques (NMT) NMT can be employed to alleviate these areas and so reduce knots and adhesions. NMT is an extension of deep friction & pressure techniques; it is applied with thumbs, fingers, fists or elbows, and is a diagnostic palpatory tool designed to help assess and deal with chronic pain.
Hands Free Massage
Hands Free Massage techniques are a blend of Eastern and Western styles, ideal for all massage therapists and body-workers, whether recently qualified or experienced.
This course will teach you correct body position and working posture helping to maximize the effectiveness of your massage whilst minimizing injuries. Sadly, we often see therapists having to give up work due to burnout, poor posture, backache and repetitive strain injuries.
As therapists, we need to look after ourselves as well as offer wonderful therapies to our clients; after all, our bodies are our tools of the trade.