

Gateway Workshops Testimonials - Advanced and Deep Tissue Massage - Practitioner Accredited Diploma Course


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Feedback from Hannah Doyle 02/06/2010

Course: Advanced and Deep Tissue Massage - Practitioner Accredited Diploma Course
Course Feedback

Name: Hannah Doyle

Email Address: [Email Hidden]

1. Did you find our web site easy to use? We appreciate there is a lot of information to digest, however we provide this so you are fully informed. We do the research so you do not have to, which we hope you found helpful.

Website very easy to navigate, courses well displayed. Good information about each course and good selection of courses.

2. Did you find booking this course straight forward?

Yes, very easy

3. Where did you hear about us?

The FHT's magazine

4. What course did you attend?

Advanced and deep tissue massage

5. What feedback about your course would you like to leave?

Really enjoyed it and learnt lots of new techniques that have been very beneficial to existing clients as well as attracting new ones.

6. Who was your tutor?

Ellen Keir

7. Please leave us your feedback about your tutor (positive or negative let us know!)

Very nice tutor and very well informed about the subject. Would definitely go back to the same tutor.

8. What venue did you attend? Please leave your feedback about this venue

The Orchard Clinic in Paisley. Good venue for size, location, ease of parking and facilities.

9. What other courses would you like us to offer?

I think you already offer a good range of courses although not all are available in my area.

10. Did the course you attended live up to expectation? Would you consider attending another course with us, if not tell us why.

The course exceeded my expections.I would use Gateway again.

11. What made you decide to book with Gateway?

Choice of dates, the fact that there is a good selection of one day courses and that you get CPD points.

12. Did you get confirmation of the course you booked from your tutor by email, within 3 days of booking? Was the tutor easy to contact before and after your course if needed?

Yes, confirmation came very quickly.No problems contacting the tutor.

13. Did you know that Gateway has a on-line shop and offers: Discounted Massage tables, Hot stone heaters, Meditation CD's and Massage Books. Also FREE Health Checks and Natural Supplements? We also have information about therapist insurance (discounts available) therapist massage magazines and where to advertise your services all on our web site.

Yes, I have had a quick look.

14. Did you know Gateway has a FREE monthly newsletter, What do you think to our newsletter if you receive it? If you wish to receive this you can subscribe on the home page of our web site. The link is on the left hand side near to the bottom. Be the first to hear about new courses & all our news with interesting features, prizes & updates free each month.

I have not subscribed yet.

15. Any other comments you would like to leave us?

Very satisfied, I have already recommended Gateway to other therapists.

16. Did you find our manuals useful? We pride ourselves in putting together a great manual which we hope you found beneficial. Where you able to buy a DVD for the course attended on the day (if available) to help you remember the technique learnt? Did you know we offer these for sale afterwards if required - to order yours please call Sue Cross on 07888 666359 or e-mail her on sue.cross@hotmail.co.uk:

Yes it is a very comprehensive and useful manual.

17. Would you be ok for us to feature your comments on our feedback page of our web site? Your comments have been taken on board and will help us to improve our service and your feedback will also be passed onto the tutor to let them know of any issues or what a good job they are doing! Any negative issues will be investigated immediately.

Thank you for taking the time out to fill out this feedback form and we hope to see you on one of our other courses very soon.


Did the course live up to your expectations? Yes

Would you consider attending another course with us? Yes

Did you get confirmation of the course you booked from your tutor by email, within 3 days of booking? Yes

Was the tutor easy to contact before and after your course if needed? Yes

Did you find our manuals useful? Yes

Did you find the DVD helpful? Yes

Where did you hear about Gateway? Word of Mouth

Did you find this web site easy to use? Yes

Is it ok to use your comments on the website? Yes

Feedback from Nicola Tynan 18/03/2010

Tutor: Suzanne Cromie
Course: Advanced and Deep Tissue Massage - Practitioner Accredited Diploma Course
Course Feedback

Name: Nicola Tynan

Email Address: [Email Hidden]

1. Did you find our web site easy to use? We appreciate there is a lot of information to digest, however we provide this so you are fully informed. We do the research so you do not have to, which we hope you found helpful.

Very easy to use, the vast amount of information is a good thing as any queries I had were answered throughout reading.

2. Did you find booking this course straight forward?

Yes once I understood how. It would be great if there was a pay by money order option when paying the deposit for people who don't have credit cards!

3. Where did you hear about us?


4. What course did you attend?

Advanced & Deep Tissue Massage Techniques, also Indian Head Massage.

5. What feedback about your course would you like to leave?

I thought the Advanced & Deep Tissue Massage Technique was fantastic as I learned a complete new routine in just one day as opposed to the several months it took to gain my Holistic Massage Diploma. I also learned certain techniques that meeted certain clients needs much more specifically. The Indian Head Massage was also very good as it put a structure as to how to give a quick neck/shoulder massage which I'm inundated with requests for!!!

6. Who was your tutor?

Suzanne Cromie, Dublin.

7. Please leave us your feedback about your tutor (positive or negative let us know!)

Suzanne was fantastic, she thought everything very thoroughly. Because the class size was so small it nearly felt like a one to one session so I learned loads.

8. What venue did you attend? Please leave your feedback about this venue

Dublin 15. Really nice, clean, comfortable and professional setting. Was also easy to find.

9. What other courses would you like us to offer?

None in specific but I'm always keeping my eyes open for new ones.

10. Did the course you attended live up to expectation? Would you consider attending another course with us, if not tell us why.

The courses I've attended so far meeted my expectations. I would consider attending more only personal financial reasons hold me back. Other people I done the courses with thought the same, perhaps a loylalty card scheme, i.e. buy four courses and your 5th is free or similar, would be an incentive to people to attend more.

11. What made you decide to book with Gateway?

Affordability and the fact it was run in one day as opposed to over a few weeks.

12. Did you get confirmation of the course you booked from your tutor by email, within 3 days of booking? Was the tutor easy to contact before and after your course if needed?

Yes and yes.

13. Did you know that Gateway has a on-line shop and offers: Discounted Massage tables, Hot stone heaters, Meditation CD's and Massage Books. Also FREE Health Checks and Natural Supplements? We also have information about therapist insurance (discounts available) therapist massage magazines and where to advertise your services all on our web site.


14. Did you know Gateway has a FREE monthly newsletter, What do you think to our newsletter if you receive it? If you wish to receive this you can subscribe on the home page of our web site. The link is on the left hand side near to the bottom. Be the first to hear about new courses & all our news with interesting features, prizes & updates free each month.

I didn't know there was a newsletter.

15. Any other comments you would like to leave us?


16. Did you find our manuals useful? We pride ourselves in putting together a great manual which we hope you found beneficial. Where you able to buy a DVD for the course attended on the day (if available) to help you remember the technique learnt? Did you know we offer these for sale afterwards if required - to order yours please call Sue Cross on 07888 666359 or e-mail her on sue.cross@hotmail.co.uk:

Very useful and great for referring to the odd time.

17. Would you be ok for us to feature your comments on our feedback page of our web site? Your comments have been taken on board and will help us to improve our service and your feedback will also be passed onto the tutor to let them know of any issues or what a good job they are doing! Any negative issues will be investigated immediately.

Thank you for taking the time out to fill out this feedback form and we hope to see you on one of our other courses very soon.


Did the course live up to your expectations? Yes

Would you consider attending another course with us? Yes

Did you get confirmation of the course you booked from your tutor by email, within 3 days of booking? Yes

Was the tutor easy to contact before and after your course if needed? Yes

Did you find our manuals useful? Yes

Did you find the DVD helpful? Yes

Where did you hear about Gateway? Word of Mouth

Did you find this web site easy to use? Yes

Is it ok to use your comments on the website? Yes

Feedback from Kelly Skipper 10/02/2010

Course: Advanced and Deep Tissue Massage - Practitioner Accredited Diploma Course
Course Feedback

Name: kelly Skipper

Email Address: [Email Hidden]

1. Did you find our web site easy to use? We appreciate there is a lot of information to digest, however we provide this so you are fully informed. We do the research so you do not have to, which we hope you found helpful.

yes - website was reasonably easy to navigate to find out what courses were available and what courses wer availabel.

2. Did you find booking this course straight forward?

yes - it was very easy.

3. Where did you hear about us?

through other therapists that I work with .

4. What course did you attend?

Deep tissue massage course

5. What feedback about your course would you like to leave?

Great course and really enjoyed the small numbers on each course. The tutor was excellent and very informative. I felt the course was good value for money.

6. Who was your tutor?

Marc Innes. Brilliant ex NHS paramadic who knew is A&P inside out.

7. Please leave us your feedback about your tutor (positive or negative let us know!)

Excellent. Informative.

Would you be ok for us to feature your comments on our feedback page of our web site? Your comments have been taken on board and will help us to improve our service and your feedback will also be passed onto the tutor to let them know of any issues or what a good job they are doing! Any negative issues will be investigated immediately.

Thank you for taking the time out to fill out this feedback form and we hope to see you on one of our other courses very soon.


Hi Cathy/Sue
I just had to write to say that the Deep Tissue Massage Course (attended with Cathy) was one of the best courses I have ever attended.
It was extremely informative in it's content.  Receiving the massage myself was amazing, I could not believe that by changing massage techniques could produce such a different reaction.   I have a few clients who I know are going to love the treatment and get so much from it.
I am still buzzing from the day!
Thank you and I look forward to meeting you again on another course.


Did the course live up to your expectations? Yes

Would you consider attending another course with us? Yes

Did you get confirmation of the course you booked from your tutor by email, within 3 days of booking? Yes

Was the tutor easy to contact before and after your course if needed? Yes

Did you find our manuals useful? Yes

Did you find the DVD helpful? Yes

Where did you hear about Gateway? Word of Mouth

Did you find this web site easy to use? Yes

Is it ok to use your comments on the website? Yes

Feedback from Paula Johnston 02/12/2009

Course: Advanced and Deep Tissue Massage - Practitioner Accredited Diploma Course
Course Feedback

Name: Paula Johnston

Email Address: [Email Hidden]

1. Did you find our web site easy to use? We appreciate there is a lot of information to digest, however we provide this so you are fully informed. We do the research so you do not have to, which we hope you found helpful.

Yes very easy to operate and very informative.

2. Did you find booking this course straight forward?


3. Where did you hear about us?


4. What course did you attend?

Hopi Ear Candles and Deep Tissue Massage.

5. What feedback about your course would you like to leave?

I enjoyed both courses. I found the approach to teaching relaxed which made it easy to learn and ask as many questions as you like. I also enjoy the small class sizes.

6. Who was your tutor?

Ellen Kier.

7. Please leave us your feedback about your tutor (positive or negative let us know!)

I thought she was very good. Makes you feel very welcome, and is very calm and straightforward when she teaches. She makes you feel that you can stop her at any time throughout the teaching to ask any questions or explain something again.

8. What venue did you attend? Please leave your feedback about this venue

The Orchard clinic Paisley. The venue is spotless and welcoming. The laundry is changed for every client and everything you need for the treatmnent is organised in advance.

9. What other courses would you like us to offer?

Sports massage.

10. Did the course you attended live up to expectation? Would you consider attending another course with us, if not tell us why.

yes I plan to book some other courses with you in the near future. I have attended other courses with a few other schools in Glasgow and in comparison Ellen Kier was far superior in both the premises and her professional approach.

11. What made you decide to book with Gateway?

The location was convenient and the times that were on offer.

Would you be ok for us to feature your comments on our feedback page of our web site? Your comments have been taken on board and will help us to improve our service and your feedback will also be passed onto the tutor to let them know of any issues or what a good job they are doing! Any negative issues will be investigated immediately.

Thank you for taking the time out to fill out this feedback form and we hope to see you on one of our other courses very soon.

Yes you can use if you wish.

Did the course live up to your expectations? Yes

Would you consider attending another course with us? Yes

Did you get confirmation of the course you booked from your tutor by email, within 3 days of booking? Yes

Was the tutor easy to contact before and after your course if needed? Yes

Did you find our manuals useful? Yes

Did you find the DVD helpful? Yes

Where did you hear about Gateway? Word of Mouth

Did you find this web site easy to use? Yes

Is it ok to use your comments on the website? Yes

Feedback from Jenny Cuthbert 14/09/2009

Course: Advanced and Deep Tissue Massage - Practitioner Accredited Diploma Course
Course Feedback

Name: Jenny Cuthbert

Email Address: [Email Hidden]

1. Did you find our web site easy to use? We appreciate there is a lot of information to digest, however we provide this so you are fully informed. We do the research so you do not have to, which we hope you found helpful.

Yes, I think the website is designed very well. I found everything I needed and didn't feel i needed to contact you to double check anything.

2. Did you find booking this course straight forward?

Yes very simple and also very efficient

3. Where did you hear about us?


4. What course did you attend?

Deep tissue massage in Clapham with Marc Innes

5. What feedback about your course would you like to leave?

I thought the course was fantastic I really enjoyed learning the deep tissue techniques. Marc did a great job and i felt I came away with knowledge and that it had really sunk in.

6. Who was your tutor?

Marc Innes

7. Please leave us your feedback about your tutor (positive or negative let us know!)

as above.

8. What venue did you attend? Please leave your feedback about this venue

Clapham. Very nice beautician/wellbeing centre. Great location for being able to pop out at break time to get a sandwich.

9. What other courses would you like us to offer?

10. Did the course you attended live up to expectation? Would you consider attending another course with us, if not tell us why.

Yes and yes have booked up for Hot Stone Massage

What made you decide to book with Gateway?

The fact that the course you were offering was accredited and I would be able to use and practice on clients.

Would you be ok for us to feature your comments on our feedback page of our web site? Your comments have been taken on board and will help us to improve our service and your feedback will also be passed onto the tutor to let them know of any issues or what a good job they are doing! Any negative issues will be investigated immediately.

Thank you for taking the time out to fill out this feedback form and we hope to see you on one of our other courses very soon.

Yes, sorry ive been in a bit of a rush to fill this out but overall i thought it was fantastic.

Did the course live up to your expectations? Yes

Would you consider attending another course with us? Yes

Did you get confirmation of the course you booked from your tutor by email, within 3 days of booking? Yes

Was the tutor easy to contact before and after your course if needed? Yes

Did you find our manuals useful? Yes

Did you find the DVD helpful? Yes

Where did you hear about Gateway? Word of Mouth

Did you find this web site easy to use? Yes

Is it ok to use your comments on the website? Yes

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